Who Can Benefit From Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Most people can benefit from lymphatic drainage massage. It does not target specific conditions or organs. This is the most versatile type of massage and thus it is used in all ailments, organ disorders or conditions related to the muscular/skeletal system (e.g., fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle spasms, post-surgical rehabilitation recovery).

Aside from these, a good recovery routine can also include a few simple steps to promote healing. One of these is a manual lymphatic drainage massage. 

Who can benefit from a lymphatic drainage massage?

It’s also important that patients start getting regular massages two weeks after their procedures to minimize the bruising.

Not recommended for patients with conditions such as sciatica or migraines. However, they should be aware that lymphatic drainage massages are not recommended for everyone.

  • Heart failure (congestive)

  • Heart stroke

  • Blood cots

  • Any current infection

  • Kidney issues

  • Liver issues

  • Cosmetic Lipsosuction

  • Menopause

  • Orthopedic surgery

  • Osteoarthritis

Having the proper expertise and experience can help make a successful recovery following an operation. Having a licensed massage therapist is also important to ensure that they’ll be able to provide the best possible results.


What other health problems benefit from Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

  • Lymphedema

For their review, the researchers analyzed the results of six trials that investigated the use of lymphatic drainage for women with breast cancer surgery-induced lymphedema. Manual lymphatic drainage is safe and can help minimize the effects of lymphedema on women who have undergone mastectomy. A study published in 2015 supported the notion that treating lymphedema with intensive treatment is comparable to performing compression bandaging or toning exercises in women with postmastectomy lymphedema.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

At first, the circulation of lymph in people with rheumatoid arthritis is enhanced. However, as the disease progresses, this benefit is lost. At this stage, tissue swelling appears, as well as other symptoms of arthritis. It is also known to cause joint pain and skin color changes. It has been theorized that lymphatic drainage could relieve the symptoms of later-stage illness, but there has been no evidence supporting this theory.

  • Orthopedics

Studies on the use of lymphatic drainage for recovery following orthopedic surgery were not able to find evidence of its effectiveness. The study found that post-operative rehabilitation could help improve the recovery time and quality of life for adults who had total knee replacement surgery.


After assessing the rehabilitation of people with osteoarthritis, researchers found no evidence of differences in their mobility or pain levels. They also did not find evidence of tissue swelling or knee function. Since the swelling is not related to the lymphatic system, it is not known how effective it is in treating most orthopedic conditions.

  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency

CVI is a condition where the valves and walls of the veins in the legs are not working properly. It can make it hard for blood to pass through the legs. Lymphatic drainage is a conservative treatment for CVI. It is believed to improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death.


A 2017 study revealed that the use of lymphatic drainage during a therapeutic massage can increase the blood flow to various blood vessels in the legs. It was not yet clear how long the effects of lymphatic drainage would last. However, it was hypothesized that this treatment could provide long-term relief from swelling and pain.

  • Fibromyalgia

The findings of this study were limited by the quality of the studies and could not offer explanations for why lymphatic drainage is beneficial or why it is perceived as physiologic. A review of 10 published studies found that lymphatic drainage is better than traditional connective tissue massage for treating various symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, it is not as effective as myofascial release for relieving chronic pain.


According to a review published in 2015, manual therapy can help people with fibromyalgia decrease their pain and improve their mobility. 

What are the benefits of Post-Op Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

After cosmetic procedures such as cosmetic breast lifts, the natural drainages of these areas are disrupted, which can take up to three months to heal.


While many people are already feeling the effects of post-op surgery, plastic surgeons are starting to add lymphatic massage to their routine.


The goal of a lymphatic massage is to decrease the tissue’s congestion and increase the body’s absorption of the fluids flowing through it. This technique can help improve the appearance of cellulite and reduce swelling after surgery (Lipo,BBL,Tummy tuck).Lymphatic massages are also very beneficial for patients undergoing facial surgery (Chin lipo).


It is important to note that not everyone can benefit from this kind of treatment. If you are on any kind of medication that slows down your immune system, have any active infections, or a recent surgery, it is best to avoid lymphatic drainage massage until the healing process has finished.


If you are unsure if lymphatic drainage massage is right for you, contact a doctor today and he or she will be able to inform you with more detailed information. You may also want to talk with them about other types of disorders and illnesses like chronic pain or cancer – both cases in which there are physicians who specialize in developing treatments customized for these specific conditions.

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